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dc.description.abstractEpistemology (theory of knowledge) is an essensial problem in human life. As we know beyond attitude, mentality, mindset and human action are often moved by certain epistemology. Problem of epistemology becomes significant when it’s built by the sacred textes of religion. Islam as a religion has vital role in building islamic epistemology, culture and civilization. One of the epistemological problems in Islam is when the sacred textes only understood textually and a-historically. Another problems is the gap between what is believed and desired in Islam and what really exists in the reality of human life that constandly changes in praxis-epistemology. Both of them that practically have caused epistemological reduction or caused the epistemological narrowmindedness. The epistemological problem in case of Islam becomes more crucial and complex when Islam as a religion and as source of knowledge changes as ideology and it’s claimed as the most credible and true. Such epistemological problems in islamic thought and praxis and scientific civilization often becomes counter productive and have established a culture system of exclusion (system culturel d’exclusion). According to Mohammed Arkoun there are the problems of normativities in terresterial history (tarikh al-ardhiyy). The historical facts and Islamic knowledge bases are dismantled and rethought by Mohammed Arkoun and then he tries to construct a more humane form of epistemology. He criticizes the reality of epistemology exclusively and offers the synthesis of more flexible Islamic humanism thinking. This article want to try the epistemology of islamic humanism in Arkoun’s thought and its relevant with conteporary life.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectHumanisme Islamin_ID
dc.titleEpsitemologi Humanisme Islam dan Relevansinya Bagi Kehidupan Kontemporer: Kajian Pemikiran Mohammed Arkounin_ID

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