Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Toward a Better Performance: Through CSR in Holistic Marketing Concept (Menuju Kinerja yang Lebih Baik: Melalui CSR dalam Holistik Marketing Konsep)
(Eco-Entrepreneurship Seminar & Call for Paper "Improving Performance by Improving Environment" 2012, 2012-03)
Many firm have found the business case for greater attention to corporate social responsibility to
be compelling, particularly given reputational risk and other pressure of the contemporary
business environment. Corporate ...
Dampak Konflik Peran Ganda terhadap Kinerja Wanita Berperan Ganda
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-11-19)
Harmony family is the dreams and hopes of all people. But unfortunately not everyone can make it
happen. Most of them, including a career woman, only up to a dream and expect it. Unbalance role of a
woman with dual role, ...
Sabun Susu Bahagia Boyolali: Menuju Implementasi Produk Kosmetik Halal Indonesia
Kosmetik halal adalah dambaan setiap wanita. Kosmetik halal bermakna aman dan sehat bagi konsumen. Kehalalan kosmetik menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kosmetik yang banyak beredar di pasaran, dan ...