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dc.description.abstractStarted from the issue of the development e-commerce business in Indonesia, motivate researchers to conduct research on the customer's online fashion shop. This research was conducted in Bandung city, by distributing online questionnaires. This research were expected to discover and verify that a positive attitude of customer’s when shopping online fashion be able to mediate between fashion leadership to customer purchase intention. Respondent data collected from the period of October to December 2016. This test were conducted using Path Analysis techniques. Sampling technique with Convinence Sampling. The results of this study showed that fashion leadership influence on purchase intention and positive attitude were able to mediate fashion leadership to purchase intention.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectFashion Leadershipin_ID
dc.subjectPositive Attitudein_ID
dc.subjectPurchase Intentionin_ID
dc.titleFashion Leadership, Sikap Positif, dan Dampaknya pada Minat Beli E-Commerce Fashionin_ID

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