Analisis Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi, Kendala dan Peluang Usaha Pedagang Kaki Lima: Studi pada Pedagang Kaki Lima di Seputar Alun-Alun Kabupaten Klaten
This study aims to analyze the socio-economic conditions, constraints and business opportunities and
to analyze the influence of initial capital, the number of employees, the level of education, the length
of business and the opening hours of PKL revenue in Klaten district square. The approach used is
multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive analysis. The result of analysis shows that the
initial capital, the number of employees and the level of education have a positive effect on the income
of street vendors while the length of business and working hours has no effect on the income of street
vendors Klaten. In general, socio-economic conditions of street vendors are quite tolerable although
still encountered some obstacles but their business opportunities quite good.