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dc.description.abstract | Summary Coastal communities, especially fishing communities, behave differently from farmers or
agrarian societies. This difference is largely due to the characteristics of resources that are the main inputs
for their socio-economic life, especially for fishermen's wives. Research on Women is motivated by the fact
that there are many women's involvement in supporting their family's economy so that this research takes
the topic entitled "Coastal Woman In Village Economic Independence" (Study on Motivation and Influence
of Women as Wives of Fishermen in Bangakalan District). Regardless of the desire to work there is of
course a separate motivation as to why they are taking a role in increasing economic independence. The
study analyzed their involvement in establishing economic independence in this case as the wives of
fishermen because of their desire to engage more intensely in achieving welfare, other than that the other
reason is their involvement is merely a representation of their desire to demonstrate their abilities. The
approach used in this research is qualitative approach. The research describes descriptively, holistically
and comprehensively about the motivation and factor of their involvement in developing the village
economic independence. The results of this study indicate that coastal women have contributed in
improving the family economy and indirectly improving village self-reliance depicted in the fishing wives
community at some point in Bangkalan District. | in_ID |