Kemampuan Calon Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Pra Pedagogical And Professional – Experience Repertoires (PaP-eRs) Sebagai Pendukung Dalam Mengimplementasikan Pembelajaran Sesuai Karakteristik Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
This study aims to determine the ability of pre-service teachers’ in developing pre PaP-eRs as a
support in implementing learning according to the characteristics of PCK. Pre PaP-eRs is a narrative
description of pre-service teachers’ about the teaching and learning process of an experienced teacher
that underscores a particular aspect of the content being taught. Data were collected by reviewing
documents of pre-PaP-eRs development results by 47 pre-service teachers’ after watching a learning
video conducted by experienced teachers in the classroom. The analysis of the results of the pre-PaPeRs
document revision made by the pre-service teachers’ is done using descriptive statistic that is by
calculating the mean. The results of the data analysis indicate that none of the pre-service teachers’
were able to develop pre-PaP-eRs with very well qualification, 10 (21%) with well qualification, 20
(43%) with quite qualification, and 9 (19%) with less qualifications. There are 8 pre-service teachers’
who failed to develop the pre PaP-eRs. The results show that although not too perfect, pre-service
teachers’ can already reflect on the learning done by experienced teachers. This happens because
watching video shows and reflecting on it is a first-time activity. Nevertheless, pre-service teachers’
feel that what they reflect can be a provision when teaching them later as it helps them in identifying
activities that are useful for their own learning. Thus it can be concluded that the development of pre
PaP-eRs can be used by pre-service teachers’ as supporting activities in implementing learning.