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dc.contributor.authorRizal, R
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dc.description.abstractThis research is a qualitative descriptive research, which aims to explain the application of teaching thinking in the second semester students' learning Teacher Education Elementary School Tadulako University. The first stage achieves the learning objectives. The second stage explains the basic concept of the material being taught, the Third Phase conveys that the material presented, does not contain any definite truths, the fifth stage assigns the students to look for material to be discussed at the next meeting (Students as subject of study). The sixth stage asks questions and asks the students to give an explanation of the teaching materials that have been obtained (student-centered learning). The seventh stage of different explanations of student explanations is written (as a form of brainstorming). The eighth stage asks students to ask questions (provide critical analysis), the ninth stage eliminates the conclusion (to be a different thinking inspiration). The results show that teaching the way of thinking creates changes in learning situations, changing the learning paradigm, increasing self-confidence, increasing the active participation of students in learning, improving the ability to formulate questions and solve problems.in_ID
dc.publisherProgram Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP UMSin_ID
dc.subjectWays of thinkingin_ID
dc.subject21st Century Skillsin_ID
dc.titleMengajar Cara Berpikir, Meraih Ketrampilan Abad 21in_ID

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