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dc.description.abstract | The existence of Laweyan Batik has been around since before 1500M
(Mlayadipuro, 1984), with Laweyan Market and Bandar Kabanaran as a center of
trade and sell of clothing material (lawe) of Pajang Kingdom which is busy and
strategic at that time (Priyatmono, 2004). A visit to Laweyan proves that Laweyan is
a batik area that has existed long ago, it can be seen from the form of buildings in
the area (Aviarini Indrati, et al, 2011). The policy of Surakarta City Government has
established Kampoeng Laweyan as a tourism area under the name of "Kampoeng
Batik Laweyan", and the obligation of Civil Servant in wearing batik dress at
certain time made the development of batik industry in Laweyan very good (Atiqa
Sabardila, et al, 2008). Entrepreneurs in "Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" actually have
been able to export to foreign countries, especially in Asia, Europe, Middle East and
America. But most of them are still product without brand, so there is no increase in
product competitiveness to enter international market with local brand. (Siti Rahayu
Binarsih, et al, 2013). Brand Kampoeng Batik Laweyan, with the support of
technology today, makes the site "Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" exists, in addition to
expand the marketing area of the product, it also make easier for prospective of
buyers. The data in this study were taken from all batik entrepreneurs in "Kampoeng
Batik Laweyan" which amounted to 56 entrepreneurs by using questionnaires that
have passed the validity and reliablitas test. After passed the classic assumption test
include multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, heteroscedasticity test and
normality test, then multiple regression analysis and regression with moderation
obtained result: 1) The variable Batik Laweyan Product Significantly Improve the
Batik Industry Competitiveness "Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" in Kota Solo, 2) Brand
"Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" is Significantly Influence on Improving
Competitiveness of Batik in Industry Kampoeng Batik Laweyan in Solo, 3) Brand
"Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" Significantly Strengthening the Laweyan Batik Effect in
Improving Batik Industry Competitiveness "Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" Solo , So the
three hypotheses proved to be true. The results of this study can be used as a
reference in establishing policies about the development of "Kampung Batik
Laweyan", it is very necessary to conduct research to sharpen the role of the brand
(cluster branding) to batik industry competitiveness in both national and global
markets. | id_ID |