Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Pengembangan Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Melalui Gerakan Literasi Nasional 

      Rahayu, Triwati (Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Berkemajuan dan Menggembirakan (The Progressive & Fun Education Seminar) ke -2, 2017-08)
      Civilizing community literacy has a correlation to the quality of the nation. The habit of reading and writing will significantly affect one's insight, mental, and behavior. One of the improvements in the quality of human ...
    • Penumbuhan Budi Pekerti Melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah 

      Rahayu, Triwati (Muhammadiyah University Press, 2016-08-03)
      Developing character is an activity of habituation of positive attitude and behavior at school that starts gradually from basic education to higher education. One of the habituation is in connection with school literacy ...