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dc.contributor.authorIpmawati, Nurul
dc.contributor.authorYulianto, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorHendratno, Hendratno
dc.identifier.citationAmnah, Sri. 2011. Pembelajaran Think Pair Share, Keterampilan Metakognitif, Dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa SMA. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 17. No. 6. Publisher: Universitas Negeri Malang. Almerico, Gina. Oktober 2014. Building Character through Literacy with Children’s Literature. University of Tampa. Anggraini, Purwati. July 2016. The Implementaion of Character Education Model Based on Empowerment Theatre for Primary Scholl Students. Journal, Volume 7, No. 1. www.iiste. irg. Flavell, J.H. 1979. Metacognition and Cognitiv Monitoring, A New Area of Cognitive – Developmental Inquiry, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Gay, G. 2002. The Nature of Metacognition, Adative Technology Resource Centre. Gay, L.,R. 1981. Educational research: Competencies for analysis and application. London: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company. Hacker, dkk. 2016. Metacognition In Educational Theory And Practice. New York and London: Routlegde Taylor & Francis Group. Harsiati, Titik. 2013. Asesmen Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang Press. Hendratno. 2016. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Teks Naratif Cerita Rakyat Berbasis Karakter Judikatif di Sekolah Dasar. Universitas Negeri Surabaya: Program Pascasarjana. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra. Nurgiantoro, Burhan. 2005. Memahami Apresiasi Prosa Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Oemaryati, Boen S. 2008. ‘’Pembelajaran Sastra Meningkatkan Pembinaan Watak’’ dalam Konferensi Internasional Kesusastraan Ke- 19. Malang Batu, 12 – 12 Agustus 2008. Schneider and Waters. 2010. Metacognition Strategy Use & Instruction. New York London: The Guilford Press. Shannon, S.V. 2008. Using Metacognition Strategies and Learning Styles to Create Self Directed Learner. Institude For Learning Styles Journal, Volume 1, 18. Suhartono. 2011. Representasi Nilai Busaya dan Fungsi Cerita Rakyat Pulau Mandangin bagi Masyarakat Pendukungnya. Universitas Negeri Surabaya: Lembaga Penelitian. Yuwana, Setya. 2013. Pengetahuan dan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Jawa Timur Dalam Resolusi Konflik Antarkomunal. Universitas Negeri Surabaya: Lembaga Penelitian. Yuwana, Setya. 2002. Problematika Pembelajaran Apresiasi Ssastra dan Solusinya. Universitas Negeri Surabaya: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni. Yulianto, Bambang. 2016. Penuntun Praktis Berbahasa Indonesia dengan Baik dan Benar. Universitas Negeri Surabaya: University Press. Yulianto, Bambang. 2008. Aspek Kebahasaan dan Pembelajarannya. Surabaya: Unesa University Press. Thomas Licona. 1992. Educating For Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect Anf Responbility. New: York: Bantan.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThe advancement of education and rapid development of science and technology brings many negative impacts for Indonesia, one of which is the loss of morals, so the quality of education in Indonesia needs to be strengthened by maintaining the morale and character of the nation as well as the ability of the highlevel thinking which is extraordinarily active. Character education is very important to form a superior and competent human resources in creating an educated and qualified Indonesia in science and technology. In order to realize a prominent Indoensian, the need for superior human resources by applying metacognitive strategies in learning is a high level of ability in improving the ability of appreciation of literary work of fourth grade students of elementary school in the form of product development of teaching supplement book. The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of the development of textbook supplements based on metacognitive strategies oriented to grade IV elementary school characters. The subject of this research is the fourth graders of elementary school by using research type of 4D model development (define, design, develop, and dissiminate). From this research, it is expected that students can improve their literary appreciation skills by applying character-oriented metacognitive strategy. Data collection techniques in this study include using the technique of validation, observation, questionnaires and tests.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleThe Development of Textbook Supplements Based on Metacognitive Strategies Oriented Character to Improve The Skills of Appreciating The Literary Class IV Elementary School Studentsid_ID

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