The purpose of this study was to examine whether there is significant influence between
quality of service with the decision for treatment of patients hospitalized at the Regional General
Hospital Dr. Moewardi. Initial allegations raised in this study is that there is significant influence
between quality of care by making patients at the Regional General Hospital Dr. Moewardi. The
better the quality of services provided by the hospital, the higher the level of satisfaction felt by the
patient. Vice versa, the worse the quality of services provided by the hospital, the lower the level of
satisfaction felt by the patient. Subjects in this study are patients at the Regional General Hospital
Dr. Moewardi which amounts to 100 people. Data obtained by questionnaire respondents are
distributed directly to patients and analyzed by testing the validity of using the Pearson Product
Moment, reliability testing with Cronbach Alpha method. Testing tools used for testing the
hypothesis test is a tool that can test whether there is an average difference between the four groups
of samples are mutually independent terhadsap a variable. The results of this study indicate that
the test or ANOVA F-test result value of f calculated for 4532 with a significance level of 0.005.
Because of the significance probability is smaller than 0.05, then the regression model can be used
to predict patient satisfaction, or it can be said quality of service, place, and prices jointly influence
on patient satisfaction. From the results of a calculation using the SPSS 13 shows the value of the
coefficient of determination r2 = 0.124. This means that 12.4% of variance and patient satisfaction
can be explained by the variable quality of service, place, and price. While the rest (100% -
12.4%= 87.6%) is explained by other factors not included in the study.