ADVOKASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM OLEH CHILDREN CENTER MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Kasus Barak Pengungsi Arusan Kec. Kembang Tanjong, Kab. Pidie, Prop. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Tahun 2005}
Research was conducted on the basis of the involvement of the
researchers as volunteer in Muhammadiyah Children’s Center who
support the implementation of Islamic education after the disaster of
the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004 that brought an incredible
impact on later life survivors of the disaster. Impact of the destruction of
infrastructure, interruption of the economy and other sectors of life and
forcing thousands of people living in refugee camps which only rely on
the help of others. Also the tragic fate befall the children of Aceh, in the
evacuation, the children must live in a state of emergency. In addition,
they are also threatened the future of the lack of fulfillment of the need
for education. In this condition, the need for psychosocial support in
order to support ch