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dc.contributor.authorMei Ie
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dc.description.abstractThis research investigates the effect of consumer behavior and web site simultaneously and partially to the trust in e-business. Respondents in this research was limited to the users of e-business website which has made a transaction at least one time. The purposive sampling methods used in this research. The methods of data collection conducted by distributing questionnaires. The techniques of data analysis using multiple regression. The findings of this research showed that consumer behavioral and web site simultaneously and partially effect on trust in e-business.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectconsumer behavioren_US
dc.subjectweb siteen_US
dc.subjectthe trusten_US
dc.titleAnalisis Perilaku Konsumen dan Situs Web Terhadap Kepercayaan dalam Electronic Business (E-Business)en_US

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