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dc.contributor.authorSuratman , Andriyastuti
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dc.description.abstracthe study was conducted to determine: 1) the attributes considered important by consumers as the European market (customer requirement) to the quality of rattan chair’s product design, 2) customer needs in order of importance the European market will increase the quality attributes of product design rattan chairs, and 3) attributes to be considered as a technical entrepreneur rattan furniture requirement in improving the quality of product design rattan chair for the European market. This study uses an analysis tool HOQ. Objects that are researched companies rattan furniture rattan furniture industrial Sukoharjo. The population in this study is the buyers products rattan chair resell such products in overseas markets. From the results of the study, researchers gave suggestions; the company needs to pay more attention to the process of finishing the next dimension. Companies need to conduct a performance improvement of ergonomics dimensions, supported by technical requirements. Management is expected to maintain and enhance the dimension of the function / usability, aesthetic dimension and the role of production control matting so that the target product design quality can be achieved. Companies need to pay attention to the TR that can not be answered fully CR, so it will increase the relationship TR and CR are worth 9. And began to realize the importance of product design teams to produce an attractive product design, innovative and have more value for Europe markets.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectattan chair’s product designen_US
dc.subjectthe European marketen_US
dc.titleThe Application Of Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) For Quality Of Indoor Rattan Chairs’ Product Design For European Market (Study At The Center Of Rattan Furniture Industry In Sukoharjo Regency)en_US

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