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dc.contributor.authorNasri, Rifzaldi
dc.identifier.citationAndang Setyobudi, 2007, Peran Serta Bank Indonesia Dalam Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah ( UMKM ), Volume 5, no. 2, Agustus Buletin Hukum Perbankan dan Kebanksentralan, Dahlan siamat, 1995, Manajemen Lembaga Keuangan, Jakarta : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, edisi IV. Genjot Sektor UKM dengan Kredit Usaha Rakyat, 2007, Jurnal UKM, edisi November. M. Syafi’i Antonio, 2001, Bank Syariah Dari Teori ke Praktik, Jakarta : Gema Insani, Mervyn K Lewis, Ltifa M Al-Gaod, 20072007, Perbankan Syariah Prinsip, Praktik dan Prospek, Jakarta : PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta, Muhammad, 2002, Manajemen Pembiayaan Bank Syariah, Yogyakarta : UPP AMP YKPN ,. Umar Chapra, 2001, Masa Depan Ilmu Ekonomi : Sebuah Tinjauan Islam, Jakarta : Gema Insani Press,,, 15 Januari 2013 dalan-ukm/ , 15 Januari 2013 , 15 Januari 2013en_US
dc.description.abstractResults of research conducted by various groups in various regions in Indonesia eventually converging on a relatively similar conclusion, that In fact there are three general aspects of the problems of SMEs over the years, namely: Aspects of capital, market aspects, and managerial. Sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are now rated as one of Indonesia's economic strength is quite significant. At the macro level can be seen potential of the SME sector is already quite large. In general, in 2006, the contribution of the Gross Domestic Product SMEs (GDP) reached 53.3%, meaning that more than half of Indonesia's economy of motion is now supported by the SME sector. In terms of employment, in 2006 SMEs managed to absorb the labor force as many as 58.4 million orapproximately 96.2% of the total workforce. Colleges and professional bodies (management consultant and business) should act as an agent of expertise for SMEs, which scored its graduates to be educated and equipped with knowledge about science and managerial SMEs. They may lack entrepreneurial experience, but with the holding of an internship program, training, mentoring, and provisioning through soft skill trainings, will be able to increase their competence as a junior consultanten_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectagent of expertiseen_US
dc.titlePemberdayaan UKM Melalui Peran Perguruan Tinggi Guna Memperoleh Pembiayaan Syariahen_US

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