Pengaruh Layanan Biro Administrasi Akademik Terhadap Loyalitas Mahasiswa dengan Moderating Variabel Kepuasan di Industri Pendidikan (Studi Kasus Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbe)
The research is The Effect Service Administration Academic towards Student Loyalty with
moderating variabels satisfaction on Institut Teknologi Bisnis Kalbe. The reason why this
research was educational institution in the field of business services to be able to provide
and deliver quality services to the students. The ability to provide good quality services will
provide a positive image for students so that students will feel comfortable in doing the
activity.The respondents of this research were students ITBK and samples taken are some of
the students were taken on campus ITBK Slipi Jl. Let. Jend. S. Kav.76 Parman Slipi in West
Jakarta. The instruments used in the form of a questionnaire with Linkert scale. The method
used is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis with Structural Equation Modelling.
The conclusion of this research is variable tangible effect on student satisfaction, reliability
variable has no effect on student satisfaction, responsiveness variable has no effect on
student satisfaction, assurance variable has no effect on student satisfaction, empathy
variables affect student satisfaction, student satisfaction variables influence student loyalty .
Managerial implications that can be recommended include about providing training for
Academic Administration Bureau officers, increasing the number of officers, socialization
SOP, follow-up on all complaints.