Value Engineering On Executing Of Jetty Construction (Case Study On Jetty Construction At Phase III in Tarjun South Kalimantan)
This paper analyzes the application of Value Engineering in the process of Phase III Jetty construction in Tarjun, South Kalimantan.
By the limited resources of local materials and labor, as well as the difficulty of the use of scaffolding above the sea
level fluctuations of + 3 metre, it is necessary to look for alternative methods of construction ideas to get the savings potential
work items and calculate the cost savings. One alternative method to avoid the use of formwork and scaffolding is a pre-cast
method of implementation for some elements (partial composite precast system) where the floor slab and pre-cast beams jetty
which was prepared separately in a workshop used as formwork, then casted on it as part of the structure composite (castinplace-
concrete topping). This method can accelerate the implementation of construction, as well as efficient and optimal in
the cost, but still with a good quality of implementation.