Criterias Develoment of Relocation of Office Building in Pekanbaru City Based on AHP (Analitycal Hieararchy Process)
The Government of Pekanbaru City has planned to relocate the office centre to the sub-urban area in order to reduce the existing traffic congestion within the city centre zone and to make balance develop-ment between the city center and the sub-urban area. This study puts into account 3 alternative de-signated locations probably fit for the purpose. Those locations are Jalan Palembang Kulim Tena-yanraya District, Jalan Badak, Sail Tenayanraya District, and Jalan Lingkar Luar KIT, Okura, Rumbai Pesisir.District. Four major criteria have been developed as follow; physical criteria, accessi-bility criteria, infrastructures criteria, and environmental criteria. An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was implemented to analyze these criteria and the results were then compared to the results ob-tained from the Expert Choice software application package. It was revealed that the significant criteria are identified as the following order: (i) accessibility (42,5%), (ii) physical criteria (28,2%), (iii) infrastructure (21,3%), and (iv) environmental criteria (8,0%). It was recommended that the appropriate designated location for the office center as the follow-ing order; (i) first option is Jalan Badak, Tenayanraya (43,5%., (ii) second option is Jalan Palembang, Tenayanraya (42,0%), and (iii) third option is Jalan Lingkar Luar KIT, Okura (14,5%).