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dc.contributor.authorSandhaqyavitri, Ari
dc.contributor.authorIchsan, Rifky
dc.description.abstractThe Government of Pekanbaru City has planned to relocate the office centre to the sub-urban area in order to reduce the existing traffic congestion within the city centre zone and to make balance develop-ment between the city center and the sub-urban area. This study puts into account 3 alternative de-signated locations probably fit for the purpose. Those locations are Jalan Palembang Kulim Tena-yanraya District, Jalan Badak, Sail Tenayanraya District, and Jalan Lingkar Luar KIT, Okura, Rumbai Pesisir.District. Four major criteria have been developed as follow; physical criteria, accessi-bility criteria, infrastructures criteria, and environmental criteria. An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was implemented to analyze these criteria and the results were then compared to the results ob-tained from the Expert Choice software application package. It was revealed that the significant criteria are identified as the following order: (i) accessibility (42,5%), (ii) physical criteria (28,2%), (iii) infrastructure (21,3%), and (iv) environmental criteria (8,0%). It was recommended that the appropriate designated location for the office center as the follow-ing order; (i) first option is Jalan Badak, Tenayanraya (43,5%., (ii) second option is Jalan Palembang, Tenayanraya (42,0%), and (iii) third option is Jalan Lingkar Luar KIT, Okura (14,5%).en_US
dc.subjectAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)en_US
dc.subjectexpert choice, priorityen_US
dc.titleCriterias Develoment of Relocation of Office Building in Pekanbaru City Based on AHP (Analitycal Hieararchy Process)en_US

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