Alat Bukti Petunjuk dalam Proses Peradilan Pidana
The purpose of the dissertation research is to find and analyze clues evidence in criminal
proceedings. Evidence one clue as valid evidence according to the Criminal Procedure
Code , under Article 188 of this Code of Criminal Procedure, historically derived from
Article 310, 311 and 312 HIR ago. The word instructions (Article 310 HIR) or signifying
(Article 188 Paragraph (1) Criminal Code), means that the evidence was not obtained
instructions absolute certainty . Said contabilility word ( both in 310 HIR otherwise
Article 188 Paragraph (1) Criminal Code) was a major force clues as evidence , because
the suitability or state judge be convinced of the defendant committed the act . Criminal
proceedings based on a verification system under the Act negatively, as defined in Article
183 of the Criminal Procedure Code , " that judges must not convict unless someone with
at least two valid evidence, he gained confidence that the true crime actually occurred and
that the defendant is guilty of doing it ".
The nature of proof in criminal law is very urgent , if translated , it can be said verification
is a process to determine and declare about one's mistakes. Conclusion verification is done
through a judicial process that will determine whether a person can be dropped criminal
(veroordeling) because the trial results proven legally and convincingly of committing
criminal offenses , then may be exempt from charges (vrijspraak) because no criminal act
or is released from all charges (onslag van alle rechhtsvervolging ) due to the charges
proved to be but the act is not a criminal offense . In simple terms it can be said there are
strong elements of the principles of criminal law to the dimensions of a clump of evidence
of criminal procedural law (formeel Strafrecht / Strafprocesrecht) .