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dc.contributor.authorRahimah, Dewi
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dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research study are (1) To identify how relevance values and theoretical knowledge values presented in Junior High School Semester I Year VII mathematics textbook applying 2013 curriculum; (2) To find out the value signal of relevance values that most frequently presented in Junior High School Semester I Year VII mathematics textbook applying 2013 curriculum; (3) To find out the value signal of theoretical knowledge values that most frequently presented in Junior High School Semester I Year VII mathematics textbook applying 2013 curriculum. This is a qualitative research with a textual analysis approach.This research study implemented content analysis as a method, used Seah’s (1999) framework in analyzing relevance and theoretical knowledge values in the textbooks, and applied coding method to work out how many value signals representingrelevance values and theoretical knowledge values in the textbooks. This research study concludes that in Junior High School Semester I Year VII mathematics textbook applying 2013 curriculum (1) Theoretical knowledge values are presented more frequently than relevance values; (2) Relevance values are most frequently presented by the value signal control over people and object around us; (3) Theoretical knowledge values are most frequently presented by the value signal context --- nil.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectrelevance valuesin_ID
dc.subjecttheoretical knowledge valuesin_ID
dc.subjectvalue signal.in_ID
dc.titleIdentifikasi Relevance Values dan Theoretical Knowledge Valuesdi Buku Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama Semester I Kelas VII yang Menerapkan Kurikulum 2013in_ID

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