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dc.contributor.authorA.M, Ali Imron
dc.identifier.citationAbrams, M.H. 1979. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press. Appadurai, Arjun. 1991. “Global Ethnoscape: Notes and Quenesfor Transnational Anthropology” dalam Recapturing Anthropology Working in the Present. Richard G. Fox (Ed.). Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press. Barthes, Roland. 1973. Mythologies (Terj. Annette Lavers). London: Paladin. Chamamah-Soeratno, Siti. 1990. “Hakikat Penelitian Sastra” dalam Gatra Nomor 10/11/12.Yogyakarta: IKIP Sanata Dharma. Dewanto, Nirwan. 1991. “Kebudayaan Indonesia: Pandangan 1991” dalam Prisma No. 10 Tahun XX, Oktober 1991. Ekstrand, L.H. “Multicultural Education” dalam Saha, Lawrence J. (Eds.).1997. International Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Education. New York: Pergamon. Garcia, Ricardo L. 1982. Teaching in a Pluralistic Society: Consepts, Models, Strategies. New York: Harper & Row Publisher. Hawkes, Terence. 1978. Structuralism and Semiotics. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. Junus, Umar. 1989. Stilistik Satu Pengantar. Kualalumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Luxemburg, Jan van et. al. 1984. Pengantar Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: PT Gramedia. Mangunwijaya, Y.B. 1992. Burung-burung Rantau. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Naisbitt, John and Aburdene, Patricia. 1990. Ten New Directions for the 1990’s Megatrends 2000 Megatrends Ltd. Riffaterre. 1978. Semiotic of Poetry. Blomington and London: Indiana University Press. Teeuw, A. 1984. Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya. Toffler, Alvin. 1987. Kejutan Masa Depan (Terj. Sri Koesdiyantinah). Jakarta: PT Pantja Simpati.en_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract: This research study aims to describe education’s value of multicultural in novel Burungburung Rantau pass observation semiotic. Subjects of this research is novel Burung-burung Rantau (BbR) by Y.B. Mangunwijaya (1992). The data’s collecting is done with library techniques, reading and register. Data’s analysis is done with descriptive methods qualitative passes to approach Semiotics theory models of Roland Barthes and Riffaterre with reading’s methods heuristics and hermeneutics. As to this research results is novel Burung-burung Rantau by Y.B. Mangunwijaya expressed educations values of multicultural pass event’s tissues and figures especially the childrens of Wiranto and Yuniati: Anggi, Neti, Bowo, and Candra that be generation’s symbolization post-Indonesia. Multicultural values in BbR cover: (1) The born of generation post-Indonesia in educations values of multicultural; (2) they are present generation that fly free to every where even to the foreign state to their own world; (3) they want to escape from the tradition’s ties and local cultures even their national culture so they can free in creatifity; (4) the appear phenomenon is the melting of local and national culture, west and east; (5) educations values of multicultural can pierce ethnic’s limits, religion, nationality, class, and gender.en_US
dc.subjecteducations values of multicultural in literatureen_US
dc.subjectplurality of cultureen_US
dc.subjectpierce ethnic’s limitsen_US

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