Pengaruh Subsitusi Tepung Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger brachysoma) Terhadap Kadar Protein dan Daya Terima Biskuit
According to a research by Ministry of Health in 2013, 13,40% of Indonesian population consume
biscuit more than once a day. Nutrition content of biscuit by servings of 100 grams is the energy
of 458 kcal, 6.9 grams of protein, 14.4 grams of fat and 75.1 grams of carbohydrates. Nutrient
content of biscuit predominantly carbohydrate source, it can be enhanced other nutrient like
protein. Fish represents a rich source of protein. Fish is a perishable commodity that requires
the handling and processing of the good one used as flour. The purpose of this study was to
determine the protein content and receptivity of biscuit with substitution of fish (Rastrelliger)
flour. This research method was experimental with a completely randomized design with three
treatments and one control twice. The fish (Rastrelliger) flour substitution was 0%, 5%, 10%
and 15%. The protein and receptivity levels were obtain with kjeldahl method and a test of 30
panelists. The statistical test of protein content and receptivity were analyze using One Way
ANOVA and kruskal wallis continued by DMRT. The ANOVA test showed ρ value of protein of
biscuit at 0,000. The kruskal wallis test result showed ρ value of biscuits for colors, aroma,
taste, texture and overall at 0,000. The highest protein content was at 15% substitution. The
most preferred biscuits of panelists was with the substitution of fish (Rastrelliger) flour at 5%.
The fish (Rastrelliger) flour substitution effected of protein content and receptivity biscuit.