Perkembangan Model Helix dalam Peningkatan Inovasi
Innovation plays an important role in improving economic growth and competitiveness of a
country. The realization of innovation requires the support of various parties. This support
or participation is often called the helix concept. This concept continues to evolve with the
changes that occur in society. This paper is a literature study, aiming to find out the
development of the helix concept, from Triple Helix (TH), Quadruple Helix (QH) and
Quintuple Helix (QuH). TH discusses the role of university, industry and government
towards the creation of knowledge and innovation. The TH concept is coupled with the role
of civil society and the media-based society. It then develops into QuH: the creation of
competitive innovation requires the interaction of the education system, (2) the economic
system, 3) the natural environment, (4) the media-based and the culture-based society (also
the civil society), (5) and the political system.