Bias Penulisan Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Pada Buku Pelajaran Agama Islam Sekolah Dasar
This study is aimed to identify the form of character values in the textbook of Islamic Religion
Education for primary school and the correspondence with character values formulated by Center of
Curriculum of Ministry of National Education.
This study employed content analysis method. The data were collected through a careful reading
and recording the Islamic Religion Education textbooks for Primary School published by Penerbit Tiga
The results show that the explanation of character values in the text book of Islamic religion
Education for primary school is explicit and in correspond to the character values that are formulated
by Center of Curriculum of Ministry of National Education. However, there is a discrepancy in the
presentation or bias when it is compared with the formulation of the character values of Kemendiknas.
The bias in the form of writing is: 1) The value of the characters used in the text book is not in
accordance with the formulation of the character values of Kemendiknas; 2) the subject of character
value is not in accordance with the indicator of character value of Kemendiknas; and 3) there is an
inappropiateness in determining the value of the character that will be described.