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dc.contributor.authorLimba, Anatasija
dc.identifier.citationAlonzo, C, A. Dkk. (2012). Pedagogical Content Knowledge as Reflected in Teacher–Student Interactions: Analysis of Two Video Cases.Journal Of Research I Science Teaching Vol. 49, NO. 10, PP. 1211–1239 Bertram, A. Dan Loughran, J. (2012). Science Teachers’ Views on CoRes and PaP-eRs as a Framework for Articulating and Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge.Res Sci Educ 42:1027– 1047 DOI 10.1007/s11165-0119227-4 Buaraphan, K. Roadrangka, V. Srisukvatananan, P. Singh, P. Forret, M and Taylor, I (2007). The Development and Exploration of Preservice Physics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge: From a Methods Course to Teaching Practice. Kasetsart J. (Soc. Sci) 28 : 276 - 287 (2007) Canbazoğlu dkk, (2010). Investigation of the Relationship between Pre-service Science Teachers’ Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge regarding the Particulate Nature of Matter.Elementary Education Online, 9(1), 275-291. Etkina, E. (2010). Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers.Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 6, 020110 _2010_ Faikhamta, C. Dkk. (2009). The Development of Thai Pre-service Chemistry Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge: From a Methods Course to Field Experience. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia , Vol. 32 No. 1, 18-35 Faikhamta, C. (2013).The Development of In-Service Science Teachers’ Understandings of and Orientations to Teachingthe Nature of Science within a PCK-Based NOS Course.Res Sci Educ 43:847–869 DOI 10.1007/s11165-012-9283-4 Hume, A. Dan Berry, A. (2011). Constructing CoRes—a Strategy for Building PCK in Pre-service Science Teacher Education.Res Sci Educ. 41:341–355DOI 10.1007/s11165010-9168-3 Loughran, J.J. Berry, A. Mulhall, P. (2006). Understanding and Developing Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers. Loughran, J., Mulhall, P., & Berry, A. (2008). Exploring pedagogical content knowledge in science teacher education. International Journal of Science Education, 30(10), 1301–1320.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the ability of pre-service teachers’ in developing pre PaP-eRs as a support in implementing learning according to the characteristics of PCK. Pre PaP-eRs is a narrative description of pre-service teachers’ about the teaching and learning process of an experienced teacher that underscores a particular aspect of the content being taught. Data were collected by reviewing documents of pre-PaP-eRs development results by 47 pre-service teachers’ after watching a learning video conducted by experienced teachers in the classroom. The analysis of the results of the pre-PaPeRs document revision made by the pre-service teachers’ is done using descriptive statistic that is by calculating the mean. The results of the data analysis indicate that none of the pre-service teachers’ were able to develop pre-PaP-eRs with very well qualification, 10 (21%) with well qualification, 20 (43%) with quite qualification, and 9 (19%) with less qualifications. There are 8 pre-service teachers’ who failed to develop the pre PaP-eRs. The results show that although not too perfect, pre-service teachers’ can already reflect on the learning done by experienced teachers. This happens because watching video shows and reflecting on it is a first-time activity. Nevertheless, pre-service teachers’ feel that what they reflect can be a provision when teaching them later as it helps them in identifying activities that are useful for their own learning. Thus it can be concluded that the development of pre PaP-eRs can be used by pre-service teachers’ as supporting activities in implementing learning.in_ID
dc.publisherProgram Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP UMSin_ID
dc.subjectpre-service teachers’in_ID
dc.subjectPre PaP-eRsin_ID
dc.titleKemampuan Calon Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Pra Pedagogical And Professional – Experience Repertoires (PaP-eRs) Sebagai Pendukung Dalam Mengimplementasikan Pembelajaran Sesuai Karakteristik Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)in_ID

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