Learning Reading the Beginning in Students of Primary School Class 1 With Dia Tampan Strategy

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Gani, Fariz Rizal Abdul
Rahman, R
Iswara, Prana Dwija
Show full item recordAbstract
This research is motivated by the low ability of students in reading the beginning. This research is focused
on improving students’ reading ability through dia tampan strategy. The general purpose of this study is
to find out how dia tampanstrategy in improving students ‘reading ability and increasing students’ reading
ability after adopting dia tampan strategy. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research
which adapted Kemmis and Taggart model. This research was conducted in three cycles. The subjects of
this study were 23 students. Data collection is done through test, observation sheet of teacher and student
activity, and reflective journal. The results of the tests, the observation sheets of teacher and student
activities, and the reflective journal of each cycle, show a positive development of learning by applying dia
tampan associations and strategies. The average value in cycle I is 62, then cycle II is 77 and cycle III 87. As
for learning completeness for the first cycle is 56%, on the second cycle 74% and the third cycle increased
by 87%. Based on these results, the implementation of dia tampan strategy can improve the reading ability
of primary school students.