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dc.contributor.authorSusandi, Ari
dc.contributor.authorYulianto, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorHendratno, H
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dc.description.abstractIn Law Number. 20 of 2003 on National education system in article 3 states that national education serves to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate the nation’s life, aimed at the development of a democratic and responsible state. To achieve these goals, primary schools as formal institutions in providing educational services play a role in encouraging the potential of learners to be faithful human beings who fear the Almighty God, possessing a noble character, healthy, insightful, capable, critical, creative and independently into the growth and development of children, including improving language skills. An additional book is a set of tools used in the learning process, learning can be successful if textbook supplements are appropriate to the learning objectives but actually supplement books circulating annually still find problems. The problem may be because the material has not been effective and also the learning objectives have not been maximized. The model used in this research is the development model of ADDIE. According to Molenda (2003: 35) ADDIE is an abbreviation that refers to the main processes of the development process of learning systems are Analysis (analysis), design (development), Implementation (Evaluation), Evaluation (evaluation). Based on the analysis of supplement book conducted, on preliminary observation, 13 - 16 November 2017, at two different school institutions namely primary school. Sumberagung and elementary school one of Sumbermulyo regency Pesanggaran Banyuwangi city, has successfully analyzed some needs of textbook supplements used by schools that deserve to be developed so that it can become a book of quality product supplement with the presentation of the material packed in more detail and effective. So from some book analyzes need supplements, the development of narrative textbook-based paperbased supplements is perfect for use in schools. In addition, the condition of the school environment is still natural and in accordance with the characteristics of contextual learning with CTL approach to improve students’ critical thinking skills.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleDevelopment of Supplement Book Writing Narration Based on CTL to Improve the Critical Thinking Students Class V Elementary Schoolid_ID

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