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dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Muhamad Taufik
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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Wili
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dc.description.abstractSexual and Reproductive Health Education (SRHE) at school is important because students feel uncomfortable talking about sexual and reproductive health issues with their families. Increasing of uncontrolled sexual behavior in middle school students is caused by positive perceptions of sexual behavior. This article attempts to present how the development of perception-based of SRHE learning resources for adolescents. This article is a literature study with descriptive qualitative method. The data was used in this article was secondary data. The data and information were obtained were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative approach. In the development of SRHE learning resources, the authors conducted an analysis of several aspects including curriculum, characteristics of the target, learning environment and the results of previous research. SRHE learning resources is designed based on curriculum, characteristics of learning resources target, learning environment and research results. Learning resources which is obtained is learning resources by design, type of message, in booklet format with characteristics of teen magazines. This SRHE learning resource is designed to change the perception (behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs) of middle school students on sexual behavior.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectSexual and Reproductive Health Educationid_ID
dc.subjectLearning Resourcesid_ID
dc.titleLearning Resources of Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Based on Student Perceptionid_ID

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