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dc.contributor.authorSutanti, Tri
dc.contributor.authorDiponegoro, Ahmad Muhammad
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dc.description.abstractDisruption era demands human to be able to compete and to innovate. Demands in being competitive stimulate the ambitious, aggressive, and less empathy attitude if it is not based on the good moral and spiritual. Developing children’ empathy by spiritual values can be done through education since it is as the transformation that the function is to create noble, knowledgeable, and modern individuals. School teachers and counselor can take parts in developing the service strategy to develop empathy in children as the social and religious creature. This was a literature study aimed at reviews the spiritual counseling with Al-Maun theological based symbolic model technique. The data of this study were collected through documentation study from relevant journals, book, and proceedings which analyzed by using descriptive qualitative. The result of the study showed that Al-Maun theological-based symbolic model technique of spiritual counseling is assumed to be a strategy for developing children’ empathy. The result of the study can be a suggestion for elementary school counselors in developing children empathy based on the spiritual values.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleDeveloping the Child’s Empathy Through Spiritual Counseling With Symbolic Model Technique Based on Al-Maun Theologyid_ID

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