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dc.contributor.authorKhomaeny, Elfan Fanhas Fatwa
dc.contributor.authorSofyan, Iyan
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Fajar
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dc.description.abstractHuman Being is created by Allah in a state of not knowing anything, but equipped with the senses, minds, and heart as tools to be able in receiving knowledge, and also established the concepts and norms which forms the basis of educational process. Children are a gift and trust from Allah S.W.T., for parents. so it is the duty of parents to take care and educate him to become a human who can grow and develop optimally in all aspects of ability, including: motoric rough, fine motor, linguistic, emotional, social, moral, and religious. The family is one of the main and first elements in the process of children’s education, so the family’s success in educating his son in the Qur’an gets a glorious position, as Lukman is glorified and immortalized his name to be one of the letters in the Qur’an because his success in educating the family. Lukman’s way in educating his family become a model of Qur’ani family education, which must be imitated and applied by every Muslim family. The fourth concept of family education Lukmanul Hakim version contained in Q.S Lukman: 13-19, is to introduce about the law of causality, which includes : good behavior, bad behavior, the stories of man or group who liked and hated by Allah, and the consequences they receives. With an explanative method, the effective learning methods that can be used to introduce the law of causality to Early Childhood are: The Chatting method, Sing a song, Animated film, Exemplary, Fieldtrip, Demonstration, and Storytelling.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectIntroduce the Law of Causalityid_ID
dc.subjectEarly Childhoodid_ID
dc.subjectExplanative Methodid_ID
dc.subjectLearning Methodid_ID
dc.titleIntroducing the Law of Causality to the Early Childhoodid_ID

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