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dc.contributor.authorVisalim, Aqim
dc.contributor.authorSofyani, Hana Fauziah
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dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, Sugeng
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dc.description.abstractEvery child is born unique with different talents in one another. This uniqueness has to be conscious by a teacher or a trainer in coaching a child to be the future athlete. For a child, achieving sport performance cannot be instant: it needs long process which is begun since early childhood age. Therefore, a teacher as well as a trainer must know the children’s characteristics, the growth and the motion development used as a hint to find out the children talent which will be trained. Every sport branch has different kinesiological structure and anthropological feature thus the process of accomplishing sport performance will be effective if the trained children have potential capability along with the demand of each sport branch specification. Digging up children talent used talent identification is an important thing to find talented athelete candidates in early childhood age so they can be coached to the high level of performance. Talent identification is also aimed to estimate talented children’s probabilities in sports; it is done to endure the training program so they can be able to get the peak performance. By doing talent identification since early childhood is expected to be able: 1) to know children talent and skill earlier, 2) to increase confidence and motivation, 3) to increase the competitiveness, 4) to achieve the peak performance in golden age, 5) to prosper children lives when accomplishing the peak performance.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleThe Importance of Sport Talent Identification to Early Childhoodid_ID

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