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dc.contributor.authorNurjanah, Alif
dc.contributor.authorWaluyan, Vrimadieska Ayuanissa
dc.contributor.authorHanifa, Hanna Permata
dc.contributor.authorAdhitya, Raka
dc.identifier.citationAdiputra, I.M.S, dkk. 2015. “Faktor Risiko Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) pada Anak di Denpasar” dalam Jurnal Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive, vol 3, no. 1, hlm 43-48. Erford, B.T. 2016. 40 Teknik Yang Harus Diketahui Setiap Konselor (Edisi Kedua) Terjemahan oleh Helly Prajitno Soetjipto & Sri Mulyani Soetjipto. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar. Flanagen, Robb. 2005. ADHP KIDS: Attention Deficit Hiperacitvity Disorder Terjemahan Bambang Pamungkas. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka Raya. Friedberg, Robert D. 1994. “Storytelling and Cognitive Therapy with Children”. Wright State University: Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, no.3, vol. 8. Gozal, David dan Dennis L Molfese. 2005. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder From Genes to Patients. Totowa : Humana Press Inc. Hikmawati, Iffa Dwi dan Erny Hidayati. 2014. “Efektivitas Terapi Menulis Untuk Menurunkan Hiperaktivitas dan Impulsivitas Pada Anak dengan Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” dalam Empathy Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi, vol.2, no. 1, hlm 9-16 Kottman, Terry and Kathy Stiles.1990. “Mutual Storytelling: An Intervention for Depressed and Suicidal Children”. American: The School Counselor, no. 5, vol. 37, hlm. 337-342 Mahardhika, A, dkk. 2016. “Proses Atensi Pengetahuan Pada Siswa Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) dalam memecahkan masalah matematika materi aritmatika sosial” dalam Jurnal Edu-Sains, vol.5, no.1 Nabila, Anisa Ismi. 2015. “Penerapan metode Storytelling Untuk Mengurangi Rasa Takut pada Korban Bullying Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) X. Bandung” dalam Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjajaran. Painter, Laura T. 1997. “Effects of Therapeutic Storytelling and Behavioral Parent Training On The Problem Behaviors of Children and On Parental Stress”. Theses. Professional Papers: University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Reynold, Jol.ynne, dkk, 2016. The Power of Mutual Storytelling In Play Therapy. A Workshop Presented at The Colorado Association For Play Therapy February Selekta, MC. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Pada Anak Usia 2 Tahun” dalam Jurnal Medula, vol.1,no.3, hlm 19-25 Yusuf, Syamsu. 2009. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.id_ID
dc.description.abstractChildhood is the best period for someone to learn about skills which can immensely help them support their own lives. Since there are many limitations which hold back children in mastering those skills and each individual have their own conditions, each child would end up having different levels of skill mastery, including children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children suffering from ADHD tend to have difficulties in putting and keeping their focus on one matter. They also tend to move constantly and find that it is difficult to stay put. 2 to 5% of elementary students suffer from ADHD, which means in there are 2 to 10 Indonesian elementary students are suffering from ADHD. Adults and parents would label these poor kids as “bad kids” for their inability to focus their attention and their tendency in making errors in their daily activities. Children who suffer from ADHD are more likely to be left alone by their peers, slow to learn, tend to ignore conversations, and they would go fend off people who attempt to converse with them. Thus, a directive problem-solving strategy would not work for them. But there is an effective alternative method by telling them a story with “moral value” which they accept into their psychic structure while inserting understanding and problem solving for the problems they are facing positively. So, counselors and teachers can apply this technique to help them solve their problems.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectMutual Storytellingid_ID
dc.subjectProblem Solvingid_ID
dc.titleThe Application of Mutual Story Telling Technique for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to Improve Their Problem Solving Abilitiesid_ID

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