Film as A Communication Strategy in the Learning Process of Children Character Strengthening in the Digital Era
The advancement of information and communication technology today is very impacted by various
human activities. In general, see technology is a means to facilitate in carrying out activities to meet
human needs. Education is one of the needs that must be borne at the age of children both formal and
non-formal. Utilization of information technology and communications in the digital era to be an effective
alternative to the learning process and realize the quality of education. This article discusses the use of
digital technology through film media on the strengthening of character in children. The results of this study
indicate, communication through the media is an effective way for the process of development of child
insight. Things that are compatible with Entertainment Education Theory that provides that understanding
Communication strategy through mass media can give effect to individual behaviour, and social system
in general, in this context is children. With the presence of media films that are positively contagious will
affect the cognitive abilities in children, so that will impact on his behaviour. The role of communication
between parents and teachers to children should be established conducive to the accompaniment of the
learning process through film media. In addition, the most important thing is the ability of the media in
producing information should consider the segments target audience.