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dc.description.abstract | Book is the window of the world, it is a reflection that reminds us of the importance of reading books
for various knowledge sciences. However, the book will only be a dead item that is useless if we do not
read it. The problem is not everyone likes to read. Interest in reading in our country, especially Interest
in reading of children until now can be said is still quite apprehensive. Based on data from the UNESCO
percentage, Indonesia’s reading interest is only 0.01 percent, that meaning from 10,000 children only one
child who has a reading interest. 21st century has become an era of great change for human life demanding
the mastery of various skills essential to global competition. The opportunity of this country to compete
with other countries to become more advanced and developed will be smaller if the quality of the next
generation of the nation is also minimal because there is no effort to improve the quality of self by reading.
This paper concludes that there are two factors that affect reading interest of childhood that are internal and
external factors. Internal factors include attention and motivation. Furthermore, external factors also greatly
affect reading interest of childhood consists of the role of family, teachers, environment, and facilities. The
recomendation for further study of better understanding how to instill reading habits for early childhood
because by reading they can gain all knowledge, skills and values necessary for their success in school and
in life. | id_ID |