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dc.contributor.authorHaristi, Rizka
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dc.description.abstractThe increasing of sexual abuse on children suggested that the efforts which had been done by the government, socities, educational institutions, and the family has not yet been fully effective. The uneffective eforts due to the focus of the programs held was still focusing on the child as an object of the target program, however the function family’s environment, school, society, government, and the mass media have not supported the formation of a safe environment for the child. To deal with it, it takes a study that can describe the factors underlying causes comprehensively about child sexual abuse. Based on the various theories that examine child sexual abuse, one of theory that can describe the dynamics of the problem comprehensively was the theory of ecology by Bronfenbrenner. By using meta-analysis method, this article will analyze how the situation on the macrosystem can affect the environmental systems below it. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that three factors which became the root of child sexual abuse are the construction of patriarchy, the development of internet used, and the economy condition. Hopefully through this article can be used as a reference in developing appropriate measures in preventing the child sexual abuse target.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleThe Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Factors: A Review From the Perspective of Ecological Theoryid_ID

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