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dc.contributor.authorHamidah, Nurul
dc.contributor.authorPurnamasari, Untung Desy
dc.identifier.citationDesmita. 2005. Psikologi Perkembangan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya Iswidharmanjaya, 2013.Bila Si Kecil Bermain Gadget. Surabaya Beranda Agency. Master,etc. 2016. “Impact Of Electronic Gadgets On Psychological Behavior Of Middle School Children In Uae.” GMJ. 8th Annual Scientific Meeting Poster Proceedings. 54-60 Novitasari W, dan Khotimah, N. 2016. “Dampak Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Interksi Sosial Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun”. Jurnal PAUD Teratai. vol. 05, no.03, 182-186 Partini, 2010. Pengantar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Yogyakarta : Grafindo. Rogulj. 2014., E. “Influence of the New Media on Children’s Play”. Croatian Journal of Education, no.1, vol.16, 267-277 Santrock, J. W. 2007. Perkembangan Anak. Edisi 11. Jakarta: Erlangga Santrock, J. W. 2011. Masa Perkembangan Anak. Edisi 11. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika Sari, T.P dan Mitsalia, A.A. 2016. “Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Personal Sosial Anak Usia Pra Sekolah Di Tkit Al Mukmin”. Jurnal Profesi vol. 13, no. 2, hlm. 72-78 Singaravelu G. (2014). “Impact Of Gadget Based Learning Of Grammar In English At Standard “. Manager’s Journal On English Language Teaching, Vol. 4 L No. 2: 33-39 Suhada, 2016. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya Sundus, M. 2017. “The Impact of using Gadgets on Children”. Journal of Depression and Anxiety, no. 4, vol. 6, 1-3 Takeuchi,L .2012. “Kids Closer Up: Playing, Learning, and Growing with Digital Media”. Internatonal Journal of Learning and Media, no. 2 , vol. 3, 37-59 Trinika, Y. 2015. “Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Perkembangan Psikososial Anak Usia Prasekolah (3- 6 Tahun) Di Tk Swasta Kristen Immanuel Tahun Ajaran 2014-2015. Skirpsi. Universitas Tanjungpura Vu, P., Mclntyre, J., and Ceper, J., (2014). Teachers’Use of the iPad in Classrooms and Their Attitudes toward Using It. Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, No. 2, Vol. 2, March 30, 2014,. 58-76 Yudhitara, R. A. and Saehu, A., (2017). MobileAssisted Language Learning (MALL) in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. No. 1. Vol. 2. 21-31.id_ID
dc.description.abstractEarly childhood has a rapid growth and development in the ability of his thinking, emotional and social skills because 80% of brain growth develops in early childhood. century can be seen with the use of ICT in all sectors both in everyday life and school life. The presence of gadgets presents new opportunities and challenges in providing education to children ranging from early childhood. They are now familiar with gadgets especially games that can affect the development of children in positively and negativelyHowever, very limited papers can be found on the advantages of using gadgets among early childhood positively development. Therefore, this paper will look into the advantages of using gadgetsmay have early childhood for cognitive, emotional and sosial skills. It describes cognitive skills include language, memorycritical and creative thinking can be develop by gadgets. Emotional skills such as give more fun for kids and how to know something new can be develop too. Communication, cooperation, and competition that are included in social skills are also evolving with the use of gadgets. The paper concludes that using gadget give advantages not only disadvantages for early childhood. The recomendation for further study of better understanding how to use gadgets to develop the maximal skills of early childhood.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleChildhood In Digital Generation: Using Gadget For Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Developmentid_ID

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