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dc.contributor.authorRosada, Ulfa Danni
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Ariadi
dc.identifier.citationCorey, Gerald 2005. Teori dan Praktek Konseling dan Psikoterapi. Alih bahasa : E. Koeswara. Bandung : PT. Refika Aditama. Darnim, Sudarwan dan Khairil, 2011. Psikologi Pendidikan; dalam Perspektif Baru. Bandung: CV. Alfabeta Knuth R.A & Cunningham, D.J 1996. Tools for Contructivism. Springer-Verlag:Berlin Romlah, T. 2006. Teori dan Praktek Bimbingan Kelompok. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang. Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Pembelajaran dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Cetakan I. Jakarta: Prenada Media Grup. Supandi. 1994. Teori Belajar Motorik. Bandung : FPOK Suparno, Paul. 2008. Filsafat Konstruktivisme Dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Yamin, Martinis. 2012. Desain Baru Pembelajaran Konstruktivistik. Jakarta: Referensiid_ID
dc.description.abstractThe objectives are (1) to get a picture of the role of teacher guidance and counseling in the learning process in terms of constructivist theory (2) the role of guidance and counseling in the learning process in terms of constructivist theory to improve learning outcomes in Primary School. This research type of writer use literature. The results obtained are basically constructivist approach is very important in the improvement and development of knowledge possessed by students in the form of basic skills that can be required in the development of students themselves both in the school environment and in the community environment. In this constructivist approach the role of teacher is only as mentor and instructor in learning activity. Therefore, guidance and counseling teachers prioritize student activeness and provide opportunities for students to channel new ideas in accordance with the material presented to improve students’ ability in private and to improve learning outcomes.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleThe Role of Teacher Guidance and Counseling in Learning Process Viewed From Theory of Constructivist to Improve Learning Outcomes in Primary Schoolsid_ID

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