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dc.contributor.authorAnisaul Khasanah, Binti
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Robia
dc.contributor.authorFadila, Abi
dc.contributor.authorCahyadi, Rahman
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dc.description.abstractOne of the characters that need to be taught to students early on that the character of environmental care. This is because the environmental problems that until now has not earned the right solution to solve it. By instilling character early on is expected to be one of the solutions in terms of human resources. In addition, one of the initial capital that needs to be held by early childhood is his understanding of the mathematical concepts as equip themselves to understand the other sciences in higher jejang. Both of these can be realized through a teaching media is to use second-hand goods. The use of second-hand goods as a teaching media can foster caring character of students to the environment and can be used as props in introducing the mathematical concepts to students that are tailored to the stage of early childhood cognitive development.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectThe character of environmental careid_ID
dc.subjectThe mathematical conceptid_ID
dc.subjectSecond-hand goodsid_ID
dc.subjectThe stage of early childhood cognitive developmentid_ID
dc.titleSecond-Hand Goods as Media Involving the Character of Environmental Care and Introducing Mathematic Concepts in Early Childhoodid_ID

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