Cooperative Learning: Engaging Young Learners In a Large Class
While the teaching learning process for English young learners is considered engaging in small
class size, the phenomenon of large class are still found in elementary shools in Indonesia. The
paper bases itself on classroom action research which is aimed at improving the engagement of
grade four students in a large class. The action research implemented Cooperative Learning in
combination with the use of grouping technique, group member roles, and fun cooperative
activities. This study was implemented in two cycles consisting of three meetings in each cycle.
The data collect ion techniques were observat ions, interviews, and students’ self-evaluation
questionnaire. The students’ engagement is indicated by students’ mood, focus, responsibilit y,
group participation, as well as the task completion time. The findings show that the exact grouping
technique improves their participation in their groups. Group member roles improve the students’
responsibility and promotes positive interdependence among the group members. Fun and various
cooperative act ivit ies improve students’ mood and focus on the tasks. Cooperative learning also
helps them to complete the tasks on time. The improved students’ engagement results in the
reduction of behavioural problems. It also benefits the teacher to give more time for instruction
than behavioural management. In addition, the actions successfully improve the teacher-student,
student-teacher, and student-student interactions and develop the students’ social skills.