Perilaku Curang dalam Transaksi Bisnis Batik di Kota Pekalongan
This qualitative study aims to understand and analyze about the behavior of fraudulent in business
transactions batik in Pekalongan City. Key informants are batik entrepreneurs, which determined
by purposive and developed with snowball. The collection of data through observation, interviews
and literary studies. Analysis using the interactive model and checking the validity of using
triangulation. The results showed that, fraudulent behavior in business transactions batik in
Pekalongan, seen in every link of businesses ranging from procurement of raw materials,
production processes until marketing. One of the fraudulent behavior in batik business, there is the
scalled local term "ghost business". A ghost business are fraudulent purchase transaction by the
absence of goods which become the object of buying and selling. The reason from congok to do
fraudulent transactions, among others: pay the debt to batik entrepreneur; for consumptive needs
(building a house, buying a motorcycle, furniture, etc.). Reason from batik entrepreneurs (as
actors), among others: pay the debt; increase business capital; meets consumptive needs (building
luxury homes, buying cars, furniture lux, buy jewelry and others). Difference between the two is,
congok do this transaction, purely just to get money (the material). While batik entrepreneurs,
intended as a business strategy, by building self-image as batik entrepreneurs which seem to be
successful, so trusted by his business partner.