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dc.contributor.authorSofiani, Triana
dc.identifier.citationBlumer, Herbert 1962, Society and Symbolic Interaction,in Human Behavior and Social Process, Boston: Houghthon Miffir,1962. Kotler Philip dkk, 2012, Manajemen Pemasaran Perspektif Asia, Buku Dua, Edisi Pertama, AndyPublisser. Yogyakarta Rismawati, SD (dkk), 2012 “ Buruh Sanggan dalam Jerat Kapitalisme” , laporan Penelitia partisipatory Action Research Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia . Ritzer, G (tjmh), Sosiologi Ilmu Pengetahuan Berparadigma Ganda, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004. Sofiani, T, 2008, “ Pekerja Anak Industri Batik Kota Pekalongan” Laporan Penelitian, STAIN Pekalongan. Sofiani,T (dkk), 2011 “ Kapitalisme Religius Pengusaha Muslimah Kota Pekalongan”, laporan Penelitian Kementerian Agama RI. Swastha, Basu dan Irawan, 2005, Manajemen Pemasaran Modern, Edisi Kedua, Cetakan Kesebelas, Liberty Offset,Yogyakarta. Tabloit Fokus, 2006, diterbitkan oleh Musium Batik Kota Pekalongan, Edisi 2. Triana Sofiani, dkk 2010” Kapitalisme Religius Penusaha Batik Muslimah Kota Pekalongan( representasi Nilainilai Keagamaan dalam Relasi Juragan –Buruh)” Hasil Penelitian, Diktis ( tidak di publikasikan) Triana Sofiani “ Pekerja Anak Industri Batik Kota Pekalongan” Laporan Penelitian, STAIN Pekalongan, 2006, hlm. 54 . Lihat juga dalam Shinta Dewi Rismawati, dkk, “ Buruh Sanggan dalam Jerat Kapitalisme” , laporan Penelitia partisipatory Action Research, 2010, hlm. 4 Tabloit Fokus , Edisi 2 tahun 2006. diterbitkan oleh Musium Batik Kota Pekalongan, hlm.2 Lihat Triana Sofiani,dkk “ Kapitalisme Religius Pengusaha Muslimah Kota Pekalongan”, op.cit. 2010 , hlm.. 6789. Kotler Philip dkk, 2012, Manajemen Pemasaran Perspektif Asia, Buku Dua, Edisi Pertama, AndyPublisser. Yogyakarta, hlm 146. Lihat juga Swastha, Basu dan Irawan, 2005, Manajemen Pemasaran Modern, Edisi Kedua, Cetakan Kesebelas, Liberty Offset,Yogyakarta , hlm.8 Herbert Blumer, 1962, Society and Symbolic Interaction,in Human Behavior and Social Process, Houghthon Miffir, Boston, hlm.18. Lihat juga dalam George Ritzer (tjmh), 2004, Sosiologi Ilmu Pengetahuan Berparadigma Ganda, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, hlm. 50in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis qualitative study aims to understand and analyze about the behavior of fraudulent in business transactions batik in Pekalongan City. Key informants are batik entrepreneurs, which determined by purposive and developed with snowball. The collection of data through observation, interviews and literary studies. Analysis using the interactive model and checking the validity of using triangulation. The results showed that, fraudulent behavior in business transactions batik in Pekalongan, seen in every link of businesses ranging from procurement of raw materials, production processes until marketing. One of the fraudulent behavior in batik business, there is the scalled local term "ghost business". A ghost business are fraudulent purchase transaction by the absence of goods which become the object of buying and selling. The reason from congok to do fraudulent transactions, among others: pay the debt to batik entrepreneur; for consumptive needs (building a house, buying a motorcycle, furniture, etc.). Reason from batik entrepreneurs (as actors), among others: pay the debt; increase business capital; meets consumptive needs (building luxury homes, buying cars, furniture lux, buy jewelry and others). Difference between the two is, congok do this transaction, purely just to get money (the material). While batik entrepreneurs, intended as a business strategy, by building self-image as batik entrepreneurs which seem to be successful, so trusted by his business partner.in_ID
dc.subjectPengusaha Batikin_ID
dc.subjectTransaksi Curangin_ID
dc.titlePerilaku Curang dalam Transaksi Bisnis Batik di Kota Pekalonganin_ID

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