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dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Ambarwati
dc.contributor.authorSujono, Tanti Azizah
dc.contributor.authorSintowati, Retno
dc.identifier.citationAbdurra zaq, 20 11, 10 Cara Tepa t Mengatasi Ketombe. Diakses : 10 Maret 20 14. htt p://ncca19.wor dpress.c om/2011/03/14/1 0- cara-tepat-me ngatas i- ketombe/ Alim, T. , 2012. Panda n Wangi (Pandanus amaryllif olius Roxb.). Diakses , 1 9 Apr il 2014. htt p://www.b iologi-se 10/ panda n- wangi- pan da nus-a mary llif olius.html Budima n, H., 2012. Panda n Wangi (Pandanus amaryllif olius Roxb.). diak ses, 18 April 2014. htt p://tana man obattrad is iona lku.w or dpress.c om /2012/05/12/daun-pa ndan-wa ngi- me ngobat i- le mah-saraf/ Darwin, B. , 2012. Penyebab Ketombe da n Tips Hilangkan Ketombe. Diakses : 15 Maret 20 14. htt p://boenesa ja ,blo m/2012/0 2/pe nyeba b-ketom be-dan-t ips-hilan ml Faras, A.F. , Wadkar, S.S., a nd Ghosh, J. S., 2014. Effect of Extract of Pandanus amaryllifolius (Roxb.) on Gr owth of Escherechia coli and Micrococcus (Staphylococcus) au reus. International Food Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1:421-423. Laluces, H.M.C. , Nakayama , A. , N onat o, M. G., dela Cruz, T.E and Ta n, M.A., 20 15. Antimicr obia l A lka loids from the Lea ves of Pandanus amaryllifolius. Journal of applied Pharmaceutical Science, Vol. 5(10 ): 151-153. Me linda , A. , dan Gangga, E., 2012. Pengaruh Ek strak Etanol 70 % Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amar yllif olius Roxb.) terhad ap Pertumbu ha n Mik roba yang Abnormal di Kulit Kepala Penyebab Ketombe. Diakses, 19 A pr il 2014. htt p://per pusff up.or. id/ index. php?p =show_deta i l& id=42 68 Murwa ni, S. , N ugraheni, Y., da n Ade yunitasari, H.P ., 2013. Efek Antibak teri Ek strak Etanol Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amar yllifolius Roxb.) terhadap Streptoc occus pyogenes secara in Vitro. Dia kses, 19 A pril 2014. htt p://w ww.e- bookspdf.or g/ downloa d/antiba kter i-e kstrak- daun-pa nda n.h tml Nedia lko va, D. & Naidenova, M. 2005. Screening the Antimicr ob ia l Activity of Actinomycetes Stra ins Is olate d from Antarctica. Journal of Culture Collection s, 4 : 29-35 . Nihar ika, A. , Aquic io, J.M and Anand, A., 2010. Antifunga l Pr opert ies of Neem (Azardirachta indica) Leaves Extract to Treat Hair Dandr uff. E-International Scientif ic Research Journa l. Vo. 2, Issue: 3:244-252. Noor hamda ni, Nurdiana da n Aditiars o, C., 2011. Ek strak Etanol Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amarr yllif olius Roxb,) sebagai Antiba k teri terhadap Pseudomonas aeruginosa secara in Vitro. Purwantiningsih, T.I. , Suranindya h, Y.Y. , & Widodo. 2014. A ktivitas Senyawa Feno l dalam Buah Me ngk udu (Morind a citrifolia) sebaga i Antibakter i A la mi untuk Pengha mbata n Ba kter i Penyebab Mast itis. Buletin Peternak an 38(1): 59 -64. Winarsih, S., Andini, K.R., dan Primivanny, K., 2012. Ak tivitas Antiba k teri Ek strak Etanol Daun Panda n Wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) terhada p Streptococcus mutans strain 23 02 -UNR secara in Vitro.in_ID
dc.description.abstractPandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves k nowen weel as antibacterial agent. The aim of this research was to k now the activity of ethyl acetate extract of Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves toward ba cteria isolates which was isolated from dan druff. this research was ek sploration research. The steps in this rese arch include: 1). Isolation bacteria from dan druff, 2). Purif ication the bacteria isolates, 3). Made the ethyl a cetate extract of Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves, 4 ). Inhibition test of the extract to bacteria isolates, and 5). Identification of the active compo und in the Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves extract. based on the research, it was k nowen that the density of bacteria in the dand ruff was 3,4 x 107 colony/gram. There were 28 pu re isolates ba cteria from the pu rification process. The inhibition test showed that Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves extract could inhibit 92,86% bacteria growth with diameter of inhibition zo ne about 13 to 40 mm. Beside that, it was knowen that 8 isolates bacteria cou ld be inhibited by the extract with ston g category, namely: isolate B4a (diameter inhibition zone 40 mm), B4b (30 mm), B4c (27 mm), B6a (35 mm), B10a (25 mm), B14a (34 mm), B16b (27 mm), an d B16c (35 mm). The active substance in Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves extract were : ph enol (9,42% b/b) and flavonoid (4,39% b/b). Based on this research, it can be conclused that Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves ha ve a potency to be mad e anti dandruff shampoo.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectPandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. leaves extractin_ID
dc.subjectan tibacteriain_ID
dc.titleUji Aktivitas Ekstrak Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus Amaryllifolius Roxb.) sebagai Antibakteriin_ID

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