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dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Luluk
dc.contributor.authorRachman, Muhammad Saifur
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Nur
dc.identifier.citationGuenther, E., 1987. Minyak Atsiri Jilid 1, Univers itas Indones ia. Guenther, E., 1990. Minyak Atsiri Jilid 3, Univers itas Indones ia. Hadi, S., 2012. Pengambilan Minyak Bunga Cengkeh ( Clove Oil ) Menggunakan Pelarut n-Heksana dan Bnezena. Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 1(2), pp.25–30. Huang, Y. et al. , 2002. Insect icidal proper ties of eugenol , isoeugenol and methyleugenol and their effects on nutrition of Sitophilus zeamais Motsch . (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae). Journal of Stored Product Research, 38, pp.403–412. Irawan, T.A.B. , 2010. Peningkatan Mutu Minyak Nilam dengan Ekstraksi dan Destilasi pada Berbagai Komposisi Pelarut. Univers itas Diponegoro. Kim, H.M. et al. , 1998. Effect of Syzygium aromat icum extract on immediate hypersensitivity in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 60(4), pp.125–131. Listyoart i, F.A. , Nilatari, L.L. & Prihatini, P., 2013. pemanfaatan Microwave terhadap Jumlah Rendemenserta Mutu Minyak Daun Cengkeh. Jurnal Teknik Pomits, 2(1), pp.39–43. Munawaroh, S. & Handayani, P.A., 2010. Ekstraksi Minyak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix D.C.) Dengan Pelarut Etanol dan N-Heksana. Jurnal Kompetensi Teknik, 2(1), pp.73–78. Nuryoto, Jayanudin & Hartono, R. , 2011. Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri dari Limbah Daun Cengkeh. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan.” pp. C07–1. Porta, G. Della et al. , 1998. Isolat ion of Clove Bud and Star Anise Essential Oil by Supercr itica l CO 2 Extraction. Lebensm.- Wiss. u-Technol., 31, pp.454–460. Prianto, H. , Retnowati, R. & Juswono, U.P., 2013. Isolas i dan karakterisasi dari minyak bunga cengkeh (. Kimia Student Journal, 1(2), pp.269–275. Velluti, A. et al., 2003. Inhibitory effect of cinnamon , clove , lemongrass , oregano and palmarose essential oils on growth and fumonisin B 1 product ion by Fusarium proliferatum in maize grain ´ n. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 89, pp.145–154. Wenqiang, G. & Shufen, L., 2007. Food Chemistry Comparison of essential oils of clove buds extracted with supercritica l carbon dioxide and other three traditional extract ion methods. Food Chemistry, 101, pp.1558–1564.in_ID
dc.description.abstractClove oil is one of the most important essential oil in the world due to the biological activities and the wide use for medical therapies and f ine chemicals raw material. Solvent extraction of essential oil from clove bud using ethanol and n-hexane has been explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of extraction time, ratio of clove bud and solvent, and kind of solvent on the clove essential yield, density, refractive index and composition. The extraction times were for 3, 6, and 9 hours using ethanol and n-hexane as solvents. Clove bud and solvent weight ratio were tested at 1;5, 1:10 and 1:15.It was showed that by using ethanoland n-hexane, extraction time affect the yield. The ratio of clove bud and ethanol solvent also affectedthe yield at low ratio (1:5 and 1:10), however an increase of ratio increased slightlythe yield. Five compounds in the clove oil have been identified, showing that the composition of the clove oil extracted was impacted by kind of solvent. Ethanol extracted more eugenol than n-hexane.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectMinyak cengkehin_ID
dc.subjectminyak atsiriin_ID
dc.titleEktraksi Minyak Atsiri dari Bunga Cengkeh dengan Pelarut Etanol Dan N-Heksanain_ID

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