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dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The purpose of this study were (1) To analyze the contribution of variable incentives, organizational culture, and analysis work on employee motivation and Oversight Office of Customs and Excise Customs Type Madya Surakarta. (2) To know what is the most dominant factor contributing to employee motivation and Oversight Office of Customs and Excise Customs Type Madya Surakarta.The population in this study were all employees of the Office of Oversight and Customs and Excise Customs Surakarta Type Madya of 93 employees. Samples of 93 employees, with the sampling technique with saturated sampling technique. Engineering data analysis using binary logistic regression analysis. Based on the research by using binary logistic regression analysis model, the results can be summarized as follows: (1) Variable incentive, cultural, organizational, and analytical work has a positive contribution to employee motivation and Oversight Office of Customs and Excise Customs Type Madya Surakarta, (2) The test results or expectations B Exp (B) note that the variable incentives have the greatest contribution compared with a variable analysis of organizational culture and employee motivation to work on Oversight Office and Customs and Excise Customs Type Madya Surakarta. This proves the truth of the hypothesis that says the most dominant variable incentive to contribute to employee motivation and Oversight Office of Customs and Excise Customs Type Madya Surakarta.en_US
dc.subjectOrganizational Cultureen_US
dc.subjectJob Analysisen_US
dc.subjectWork Motivationen_US

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