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dc.contributor.authorMinsih, Minsih
dc.contributor.authorMaya, Dewi
dc.identifier.citationBudiharso, Teguh. 2009. Panduan Lengkap Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Skripsi, Thesis dan Disertasi. Yogyakarta: Venus Guntur, Henry Tarigan. 1986. Menyimak Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa Hermawan, Herry. 2012. Menyimak Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Yang Terabaikan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu Kamulyan, Mulyadi Sri dan Risminawati. 2012. Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Di Sekolah Dasar. Surakarta: PGSD FKIP UMS Mulyati, Yeti dkk.2007. Keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Rosdiana, Yusi. 2008. Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di SD. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Suyadi. 2011. Panduan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Yogyakarta: Diva Pressen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to improve listening skills of childrens story telling using SAVI approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) and audio-visual media of fifth-grade students of Ngadirejo 01 Elementary School Kartasura, 2013/2014 school year. This type of research is PTK (Classroom Action Research). This study conducted two cycles with two meetings each cycle. The subjects of this study were fifth-grade students of Ngadirejo 01 Elementary School Kartasura as many as 43 students and teachers as subject-actors of SAVI approach and audio- visual media . The results showed an increase in students’ listening skills. It can be seen from: 1) Pay attention to the story; before action 62,79%, first cycle 83.71% and second cycle 100%, 2) Identifying topics story; before actions 37.20 % , cycle I 55.81 % and second cycle 80.23%, 3) Answering questions; before actions 41.86%, first cycle 66.27% and second cycle 80.22%, 4) Retelling the story; before actions 27.90%, the first cycle 52.32% and second cycle 80.22%. The test results of listening learning also increased. It can be seen from the study: before the actions 39.54%, first cycle 74.41% and second cycle 100%. The conclusion of this study is the application of the SAVI approach (Somatic , Auditory , Visual , Intellectual) and audiovisual media can improve listening skills in children story telling of fifth-grade students of Ngadirejo 01 Elementary School Kartasura.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectListening skillen_US
dc.subjectSAVI approachen_US
dc.subjectaudio-visual mediaen_US
dc.titlePeningkatan Keterampilan Menyimak Cerita Anak Melalui Pendekatan SAVI (Somatis, Auditori, Visual, Intelektual) dan Media Audio Visual pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Ngadirejo 01 Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014en_US

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