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dc.contributor.authorAnshari, Baddarruzaman
dc.identifier.citationArief, Sritua. 1993. Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia (UI-Press). Handayani, Krisnawuri. 2003. “Penerapan EVA dan Analisis Rasio untuk Mengklasifikasikan Kesehatan Bank yang Go Publik di BEJ”. InfoBank Analisis-Strategi Perbankan & Keuangan, No. 292, Vol. XXV, Agustus 2003. Istanti. Lulu Nurul. 2003. “Analisis Pengaruh EVA dan Refined Economic Value Sebagai Alat Ukur Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Abnormal Return (Studi Kasus Saham LQ-45 di BEJ)”. Usahawan No. 02.TH. XXV. Jakarta Stock Exchange. 2002. Informasi Umum Pasar Modal. Knight, James A. 1998. Value Based Management, Developing a Systemetic Approach to Creating Shareholders Value. Mc Graw Hill. Muljono, Teguh Pudjo. 1999. Analisa Laporan Keuangan Perbankan. Djambatan, Jakarta. Reeve, James A. 2000. Reading and Issues in Cost Management. South-Western: College Publishing. Srisusilo, Y, Triandaru. Sigit, dan Budi Santoso, A Totok. 2000. Bank & Lembaga Keuangan Lain. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Singarimbun, Masri dan Sofyan Effendi. 1985. Metode Penelitian Survei. Jakarta: LP3ES. Stren, Joel M, Shiely, John, and Ross, Irwin. 2001. The EVA Challenge, Implementing Value Added Change in an Organization. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Suwito. 2002. “Analisis Economic Value Added (EVA) Guna Menilai Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Kasus Industri Kertas di BEJ tahun 1994-2000)”. Usahawan No. 07. TH. XXVII Juli. Supriyanto, Eko B. 2003. “Peta Mutakhir Cukong Bank”. Info Bank (Analisis- Strategi Perbankan & Keuangan), No. 294 , Vol. XXV, Oktober 2003. Supriyanto, Eko B. 2004. “Peta 200 Bank di Asia Tenggara-Dimana Posisi Bank- Bank Nasional” dalam InfoBank (Analisis-Strategi Perbankan & Keuangan). No. 305 Agustus Vol. XXVI. Thakar, Anjan V. 2000. Becoming A Better Value Creator, How to Improve the Company’s Bottom Line and Your Own. Jossey –Bass. A Wiley Company. Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2001. Memahami Konsep Economic Value Added (EVA) dan Value Based Management (VBM). Jakarta: Harvarindo. Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2001. Economic Value Added (EVA); Teori, Soal, dan Kasus. Jakarta: Harvarindo. Widayanto, Gatot. 1993. “EVA/NITAMI; Suatu Terobosan Baru dalam Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan” dalam Usahawan, No. 12.TH. XXII. Desember. Young, David S & O’Byrne, Stephen F. 2001. EVA & Manajemen Berdasarkan Nilai (Panduan Praktis untuk Implementasi). Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Tim Biro Riset InfoBank. 2005. “Menentukan Matematika Rating 132 Bank” dalam Info Bank (Analisis-Strategi Perbankan & Keuangan), No. 315 Juni, Vol. XXVIII.en_US
dc.description.abstractEconomic Value Added (EVA) is a new approaches to asses the performance of relatively new companies by focusing objectively on the shareholder’s expectation. The implementation of the EVA concept in companies would assist them in evaluating their performance of whether the capital obtained from payables or stocks has their added value or not. A return of new investment can be said well only if the gain is bigger than its capital. EVA has its superiority in appraising a firm performance in an added value by taking account of its capital. A study result shows that a change of loan proportion has nothing to do with a change of EVA appraisal and neither does a change of asset. It means that a loan proportion will not decrease the value of EVA bank’s, because EVA bank’s depends on a capital source, cost, income just before interest and taxes, as well as other factors. And also, there isn’t any influence between a change of share proportion and a change of EVA value. It would be much better if a decision making consider EVA value while allocating an asset or capital. EVA explicitly takes account of capital cost over a share and admits that the risk of capital cost over a share is bigger than over a loan. Management must be careful to prevent a capital addition from decreasing EVA value. Management must take the structure of capital, working average cost of capital, and source of capital in appraising EVA value.en_US
dc.subjecteconomic value added (EVA)en_US
dc.titleANALISIS HUBUNGAN STRUKTUR MODAL DENGAN ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) GUNA MENILAI KINERJA PERBANKAN (Studi Kasus Saham Lima Bank Terbesar Berdasarkan Aset dan Modal di BEJ tahun 2003–2004)en_US

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