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dc.contributor.authorAbduh, Muhammad
dc.identifier.citationBrown, A. L., & Campione, J. C. (1994). Guided discovery in a community of learners. In K. McGilly (Ed.), Classroom lessons: Integrating cognitive theory and classroom practice (pp. 229–270). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Cromley, J., & Azevedo, R. (2005). What do reading tutors do? A naturalistic study of more and less experienced tutors in reading. Discourse Processes, 40(2), 83–113. Engin, M. (2013). Questioning to scaffold: an exploration of questions in preservice teacher training feedback sessions. European Journal of Teacher Education, 36(1), 39-54 _____, M. (2014). Macro-Scaffolding: Contextual Support for Teacher Learning. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39 (5), 26-40 Hammond, J. & P. Gibbons. (2005). Putting scaffolding to work: The contribution of scaffolding in articulating ESL education. Prospect, 20, 6-30. Hosnan, M. (2014). Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual Dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia Mackiewicz, J., & Thompson, I. (2013). Motivational scaffolding, politeness, and writing center tutoring. Writing Center Journal, 33(1), 38–73. Mercer, N. (1995). The guided construction of knowledge: Talk amongst teachers and learners. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. Mercer, N. & K. Littleton. (2007). Dialogue and the development of children's thinking. London: Routledge. Morcom, V. (2016). Scaffolding Peer Collaboration through Values Education: Social and Reflective Practices from a Primary Classroom. Australian Journal of Teacher Education,41 (1), 81-99 Myhill, D. & P. Warren. (2005). Scaffolds or straitjackets? Critical moments in classroom discourse. Educational Review, 57(1), 55-69 Nordlof, J. (2014). Vygotsky, Scaffolding, and the Role of Theory in Writing Center Work. The Writing Center Journal, 34 (1), 45-64 Puntambekar, S., & Hübscher, R. (2005). Tools for scaffolding students in a complex learning environment: What have we gained and what have we missed? Educational Psychologist, 40(1), 1–12. Reiser, B. J. (2004). Scaffolding Complex Learning: The Mechanisms of Structuring and Problematizing Student Work. The Journal Of The Learning Sciences, 13(3), 273–304 Rusindrayanti, dan Santoso, R. H. (2015). Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik Mapel Matematika Kelas VII Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 pada Kurikulum 2013 DIY. PYTHAGORAS: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika. 10 (1), 80-94. Said, I.M., Sutadji, E., Sugandi, M. (2016). The Scientific Approach-Based Cooperative Learning Tool for Vocational Students Vocation Program of Autotronic (Automotive Electronic) Engineering. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education,6 (3), 67-73 Webb, N. M., & Palincsar, A. S. (1996). Group processes in the classroom. In D. C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (pp. 841–873). New York: Macmillan. Wells, G. (1999). Dialogic Inquiry: Towards a Sociocultural Practice and Theory of Education. New York: Cambridge University Press. Zurek, A., Torquati., & Acar, I. (2014). Scaffolding as a Tool for Environmental Education in Early Childhood. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 2(1), 27-57in_ID
dc.description.abstractPendekatan saintifik merupakan salah satu unsur strategis di dalam praktik Kurikulum 2013 (K13). Pendekatan saintifik tersebut memiliki lima unsur yang merupakan satu kesatuan, yaitu: mengamati, menanya, mencoba, mengasosiasikan, dan mengkomunikasikan. Kelima unsur tersebut tercantum di dalam Peraturan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud) No. 103, Pasal 2, Ayat 8, Tahun 2014. Kajian yang dilakukan oleh Reiser menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan saintifik merupakan kegiatan yang membutuhkan komponen interaksi kognitif dan sosial (Reiser, 2004; 279). Oleh karenanya, konsep pendekatan santifik tidak dapat terlepas dari teori scaffolding yang dikemukakan oleh Wood, Bruner, dan Ross pada tahun 1976. Ketiga peneliti tersebut melakukan kajian yang beranjak dari teory Sosikultural Vygotsky mengenai interaksi sosial dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan pemikiran dari beberapa peneliti tersebut, maka artikel ini mengkaji mengenai interaksi yang terjadi pada pendekatan saintifik berlandaskan teori scaffolding yang berbentuk gagasan ilmiah.in_ID
dc.publisherProgram Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP UMSin_ID
dc.subjectpendekatan saintifikin_ID
dc.subjectinteraksi sosialin_ID
dc.titleInteraksi Pada Pendekatan Saintifik (Kajian Teori Scaffolding)in_ID

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