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dc.description.abstractThis research aims to find the empirical evidence and to know the affection of the services factors, benefit, and maintenance on the satisfaction of the Jamsostek participant in using the Jamsostek services at PT Jamsostek branch office Semarang, and to find out what factor that have the most dominant influence on the satisfaction of the Jamsostek participant in using the services at the PT Jamsostek (Persero) branch office Semarang. The sample that is used are 100 respondents that are managers and the company owner of Jamsostek participant in Semarang. The result of the regression analysis showed that the independent variable (services, benefits, and maintenance) individually and together having a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of the Jamsostek participant at PT Jamsostek (Persero) Semarang branch office. The most dominant influence is the benefit variable the service variable and the lowest is the maintenance variable.en_US
dc.subjectservices factorsen_US

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