Effect of Treasure Hunt Method to Control Concept of Eye Directions Wind Students Basic School

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Munawir, Ahmad
Subroto, Waspodo Tjipto
Jacky, Muhammad
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of positive and significant methods of treasure
hunt on the mastery of the concept of the direction of the primary school students. The research method
was experimental and the population of this research was the fourth grade students of SDN 4 Maroangin
that consisted of 40 students. The instrumen to this research used to be analyzed using Normalized Gain
Formula and T-test. The result of this research showed that the level of the mastery concept of experimental
class was in crease of 50%, while the control class of 15%. The result of T-test of pre-test showed that Tcount=
-1,5104 in the reception area Ttable= 2,7378, so there is no significant difference of initial capability between
the experimental and control class students before being given treatment. The results of the post-test
T-test data showed that Tcount= 2,9525 are outside the reception area Ttabel= 2.7378, so there is a significant
difference between the ability of the end of the experimental class and control student after given treatment.
Therefore, it concluded that method have a positive and significant influence to the mastery of the concept
of the direction of the primary school students.